Were you busy today? Did you forget that Ubuntu 17.10 was released today (no way)? Perhaps you agree that Thursdays are lame for a party anyway? Walla Walla University’s ACM club is having their kick-off event, a joint retro video game and Ubuntu 17.10 release party, on Sunday, October 22nd from 3pm to 5pm!

This event will be taking place in room 348 of Kretschmar Hall on the Walla Walla University campus in Walla Walla, WA. The schedule looks something like this:

  1. Introduction
  2. Ubuntu presentation (me. You can use this time to go through the swag I’m bringing)
  3. Social break
  4. Retro video games/installation support/networking/general hanging out

If you happen to be in the area, I’d love to see you there!