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The end of my journey at Canonical, and new adventures ahead

I am a staff engineer at Canonical, where I have worked for six years. My time here has been filled with brilliant people and amazing technology, and I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of playing pivotal roles getting a number of new projects off the ground. As I’ve said in the past, I joined Canonical to help my technical growth, and they delivered in spades. I have really loved my time here, which made the decision to leave all the more difficult....

March 10, 2021 · 3 min · Kyle
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How to build a snap using ROS 2 Foxy

The snapcraft CLI (the tool used to create snaps) has long had support for building snaps that use both ROS 1 and ROS 2. ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy is the latest ROS 2 LTS, which runs on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa). The snapcraft CLI recently gained experimental support for building Foxy snaps, so I wanted to walk you through doing exactly that with the goal of helping both of us: getting you familiar with this new feature, and at the same time getting some mileage on this so as to make it not experimental....

August 17, 2020 · 7 min · Kyle
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Are you passionate about open-source robotics? Join us.

Ubuntu is a very popular operating system for robotics, for a number of reasons. Perhaps the software stack one happens to use prefers Ubuntu, or the hardware one is using only distributes drivers for Ubuntu. Maybe one’s team is already familiar with it, or decision-makers like that it has long-term support releases and extended security maintenance. Perhaps one views snaps as the perfect way to support and update robots in the field, and so on....

February 22, 2019 · 2 min · Kyle

Google Code-in 2017

Tomorrow, it begins. The culmination of weeks of research, documentation, and preparation by multiple open-source projects, just waiting to start hacking away with students. Tomorrow, students aged 13-17 can begin participating in Google Code-in 2017. Ubuntu is one of the mentoring organizations, with several of my colleagues and me as mentors. Just in case you haven’t heard of it, Ubuntu is an open-source operating system for servers, desktops, and embedded devices....

November 27, 2017 · 2 min · Kyle
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Ubuntu 17.10 Release Party

Were you busy today? Did you forget that Ubuntu 17.10 was released today (no way)? Perhaps you agree that Thursdays are lame for a party anyway? Walla Walla University’s ACM club is having their kick-off event, a joint retro video game and Ubuntu 17.10 release party, on Sunday, October 22nd from 3pm to 5pm! This event will be taking place in room 348 of Kretschmar Hall on the Walla Walla University campus in Walla Walla, WA....

October 19, 2017 · 1 min · Kyle